Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | plant | reckoner | sidewalk | sky OCR: uke|20 31 And the third took her; Isaac. and the God of Jacob and in like manner the seven a1so Luke|20 38 For he is not God of the dead and they left no children, and died but of the living for all live unto him Luke|20:32 Last of all the woman died also Luke|20 39 Then certain of the scribes Luke|20:33 Therefore in the resurrection who se answering said Master, thou hast well said wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife Luke|20: :40 And after that they durst not ask Luke|20:34 And Jesus answering said unto him any [question at all] them, The chil Idren of this world marry, and are Luke|20 :41 And he said unto therm, How say given in marriage they that Christ 13 David's son? Luke|20:35 But they whi ch shall be accounted Lukel20:42 And David himself saith in the worthy to obtain tha ...